Thursday, January 5, 2012


So today we went to the Dr for Nova. She was sick over christmas she woke up Christmas Eve morning covered in spots not itchy or raised but she seriously looked like a leopard. She then got a fever and was definitely not feeling well but I really love our Dr and he wasn't open until the tuesday after christmas. So we waited it out even though I was nervous. When we went in she looked to have gotten the rash from a viral infection. She had an ear infection also and some wheezing in her breathing.
Our Dr is soooooo awesome though and doesn't use prescription medicines unless REALLY necessary, so he put her on a few holistic treatments and said come back in 10 days so 10 days later and she has a clean bill of health!
So what we did for her ears:  3x a day oil of oregano 3 drops rubbed on shins, feet and chest. 3x a day garlic oil dropped in ears 2 drops and rub her jaw line. 3x a day saline in her nose.
Today she is good as new! Hurray!!!
I love holistic treatments!

1 comment:

  1. very cool! im so surprised that you found a doc like that :)
