Monday, January 30, 2012

I think I found it!

So as most of you know we already get all our fruits and veggies from a local farm through a CSA, but I am having trouble finding other things like flour sugar beans yeast etc... well today I think I found the solution! I found a website: that is a coop out of Washington that delivers bulk grains that they have grown and a variety of other natural foods most, maybe even all made in US or fair trade! I am so excited! You order by a certain date and then they deliver in quite a few states on the west coast! I am super excited I don't think I will get in by the February order (feb 1) but I am going to try for march! We are hoping maybe we will be able to get all our things that isn't produce from them and avoid the store all together!
I have to research them a bit more but I think this is it!

Yesterday we went to Santa Cruz to the surf Museum and a surf competition! Here are a couple pics of Nova! Man she is CUTE! :)

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